International School of Crystallization (ISC2018)

International School of Crystallization (ISC2018)

Prometheus has supported the 6th International School of Crystallization: Drugs, Foods, Agrochemicals, Minerals, New Materials (ISC2018, under the auspices of the International Union of Crystallography through the Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials Commission and the Teaching Commission, with the support of the International Doctoral Summer School Programme of the School of Science, Technology and Engineering of the University of Granada, the Spanish Specialized Group of Crystallography and Crystal Growth (GE3C) and the Excellence Network…

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Our annual ERC Advanced Project PROMETHEUS meeting has been held from the 18th to the 21st of June 2018 at the facilities of Hotel Martin Alonso Pinzon in Mazagón (Huelva), close to the extremely acidic landscapes of the mines of Rio Tinto. We have organised the meeting jointly with ERC Consolidator project ‘TRACES’ led by Dr. Mark van Zuilen, from the Institut du Physique du Globe in Paris. We shared four intense and fruitful days…

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Teaching in Kenyan Schools

Teaching in Kenyan Schools

Teaching in Kenyan Schools (downloadable pdf) The ERC project Prometheus aims to explore the role of mineral self-assembly in the early Earth and its plausible role in primitive life detection and origin of life. Within the project, we have to travel to remote places in search of silica-rich alkaline waters and other extreme geochemical environments. We like to explain people of the regions we visit what we are looking for and why. When possible we…

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A morphogram for silica-witherite biomorphs and its application to microfossil identification in the early earth rock record

A morphogram for silica-witherite biomorphs and its application to microfossil identification in the early earth rock record

Rouillard, J.; Garcia-Ruiz, J. M.; Gong, J.; van Zuilen, M. A., A morphogram for silica-witherite biomorphs and its application to microfossil identification in the early earth rock record. Geobiology 2018. Download paper. Archean hydrothermal environments formed a likely site for the origin and early evolution of life. These are also the settings, however, were complex abiologic structures can form. Low-temperature serpentinization of ultramafic crust can generate alkaline, silica-saturated fluids in which carbonate-silica crystalline aggregates with…

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Structural Transition of Inorganic Silica-Carbonate Composites Towards Curved Lifelike Morphologies

Structural Transition of Inorganic Silica-Carbonate Composites Towards Curved Lifelike Morphologies

Opel, J.; Kellermeier, M.; Sickinger, A.; Morales, J.; Coelfen, H.; Garcia-Ruiz, J.-M., Structural Transition of Inorganic Silica-Carbonate Composites Towards Curved Lifelike Morphologies. Minerals 2018, 8 (2). Download paper. The self-assembly of alkaline earth carbonates in the presence of silica at high pH leads to a unique class of composite materials displaying a broad variety of self-assembled superstructures with complex morphologies. A detailed understanding of the formation process of these purely inorganic architectures is crucial for…

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